Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day of School 2013

Jacob and Sam started yet another school year today!  Jacob began kindergarten and is so excited.  Sam is eager to learn and seems like an old pro at the whole school deal.  My heart is full and heavy at the same time, knowing that I no longer have preschoolers and babies in my house.  I have school-aged kids.  Yikes!  The time just flies by so quickly.  I am incredibly proud of both boys!  *there are more pictures of Jacob because parents are able to walk kindergarteners into class and take pictures there*

Every year, David writes the boys a letter before they start school.  Here is what he wrote:

Jacob –

I cannot believe that you are about to enter your kindergarten year at TWCA!  Your mom and I are so incredibly excited for you while, at the same time, being a little emotional that our youngest boy is about beginning elementary school.

You are growing up so fast!  It is a joy to watch you interact with other people – both young and old.  You light up a room when you enter it with your smile and look to cheer others up by saying hello and good-bye. 

We look forward to experiencing school with you both socially and educationally.  We are confident that you will excel in all ways.   We look forward to you making new friends and bringing joy to your school in the same way that you bring joy to our home. 

You are so incredibly special!  We are extremely proud of you are and know that we will continue to be proud of who you will become. 

Bring light to those around you and remain confident at all times and in all situations as the Lord is always with you – for you know who goes before you and who stands behind – whom shall you fear?

We love you to pieces!  Enjoy kindergarten!

Mom and Dad

These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full – John 15:11

Sam –

The summer is over?  It seems as if it just started!

We have had so much fun this summer as a family.  Your mom and I have been soaking up all of the experiences that we have been privileged enough to have with one another.

You are special to us as well as many others that know you and that have the honor of calling you their friend.  We look forward to walking with you through your third grade year while also doing our best to begin allowing you the freedom to do things on your own.   We trust you!  We want the very best for you. 

Your mom and I will always be here for you.  Your God will never leave your side.  Seek comfort in these thoughts. 

We know that this will be a more difficult year academically; however, we know that you will do great.  We are confident that you will grasp the work and the concepts taught without struggle. 

Be confident in yourself.  Be kind and respectful to those around you at all times and in all situations.  Allow them to see Jesus in your heart. 

We are so very proud of you!  You have such a heart for others and we look forward to you continuing to develop that outwardly loving spirit.  You are a gifted child and we know that you will do great things.

We love you!

Mom and Dad

Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. – Col 1:10

Jacob working at his new desk...
 Jacob and Ms. Young
 Mama saying goodbye is really hard (on mama)
 Kisses from daddy
 So good at coloring!
 Deep in thought
 "Mom, Ms. Young said I could just dump these into my crayon box!"
 Writing his name
 Into the school we go!

 So handsome...
 So excited....
 The cuteness is too much to handle...
 My big third grader heading out!
 Sweet hugs
 How did you get so big??
 Ready for another great year!

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