Saturday, March 31, 2012

Always Remember...

...the way Sam comes down the stairs with his shirt tucked in a little too tight and bedhead
...the way Jacob feels in your arms when he hugs you first thing in the morning
...the things Sam asks you to pray for him on the way to school--to have a good day, to finish all of his work, to be nice to everyone Jacob looks at you and says "i love you, mom" little they both look when they're asleep
...the sounds of feet running between their rooms when they are trying so hard to be quiet
...the sight of Jacob and Sam sitting on Sam's bed reading a book together long those five minutes before you pick them up from school seem
...when you find a picture in Sam's backpack that he drew for Jacob during the day Jacob loves to dress up and pretend he is batman, spiderman, a tiger, a lion, and anything else Sam and Jacob sound when they are laughing at the same time
...sitting at the table in the morning, David and me with our coffee, Sam and Jacob with their hot chocolate
...the way Sam and Jacob look at David when he's telling them a story the boys look in their baseball uniforms Sam wants to tell me everything
...playing games--candyland, chutes and ladders, high-ho-cherry-ho, uno, sorry, farkle, monopoly game night night sweet they are when they are sleepy Jacob wants me to lay down with him everynight
...that you can't ever read enough books
...the dinner table conversations
...the simplicity of joy that comes from a family bike ride special it is to be a family

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